Posted on 08-Jul-19
Self-Audit Checklists: Essential to the Annual Report image

Each year, on their anniversary, Accredited Providers (APs) are required to submit an annual report along with membership dues.  The annual report with a self-audit is a requirement for maintaining accreditation and is essential for an organization’s ability to continue to claim IACET AP status and issue IACET CEUs.

Organizations document the process for a self-audit in Standard Element 1.5.  The documented self-audit process and the completed self-audit checklist are the essential documents uploaded as a part of the annual review.  A checklist is available on the IACET website.  A completed checklist (or other comparable documents) is due each year from every AP.  The checklist provides ample space for your organization to document any findings or instances of non-compliance.  

IACET Staff and commissioners will be assessing how much detail is included in the self-audit.  The checklist provides space to note any actions taken or needed to correct instances of non-compliance.  Often that column is blank.  A completely compliant self-audit would be a rare occurrence.  Over time, many organizations can drift from strict compliance with the Standard, and the self-audit is an opportunity to make organizational corrections.  IACET will not penalize an organization for discovering any non-compliance issues as a result of a self-audit. Commissioners and staff expect to see a demonstration of  the ability to recognize areas of non-compliance with the Standard.  The reviewers will be reassured by a self-audit showing actions taken from findings.  A detailed self-audit checklist shows commitment to Standard compliance.  A self-audit with no findings would invite more scrutiny than one that had instances of non-compliance documented.

IACET uses the annual report to evaluate and confirm your organization’s continued compliance with the Standard.  At least once during the intervening 5-year period between accreditation review cycles, one annual report will be read and reviewed.  Commissioners and Staff will review the self-reported findings and the actions taken.  If your organization is found in compliance, notification will be sent stating that the AP will be eligible to utilize the short form for reaccreditation at the next renewal.  If your organization is found to be out of compliance, you will be required to use the initial application at renewal as well as face other possible actions, not excluding a full IACET Audit. 

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