Helping IACET Improve the CE/T Standard

Sherard Jones, IACET's Chief Standards Officer, explains the importance of the public review and commenting phase of the standards development process and encourages participation from stakeholders.
Sherard Jones, IACET's Chief Standards Officer, explains the importance of the public review and commenting phase of the standards development process and encourages participation from stakeholders.
Good Learning & Development (L&D) teams create good learning programs and deliver them well, leading to good business results. Great L&D teams continuously improve the quality of their learning programs and deliver excellence, leading to great business results. The difference between good and great is coaching.
Thinking about engaging an accreditation consultant to assist you in completing the IACET Accreditation? IACET's Chief Accreditation Officer shares IACET's philosophy on the use of consultants and explains IACET's policies on consultant participation with Commissioners!
Dr. Charles Chaffin offers several ways organizations can assess their training programs for continuous improvement.