Need to Learn More about Open Digital Badges?: Remember These 6 Words


As TD professionals, one way we can encourage more learning is by deploying technologies that engage and motivate while re-skilling the workforce.  Open Digital Badges (AKA Digital Micro-Credentials) offer an excellent opportunity to achieve these goals.  

My interest in Open Digital Badges (ODBs) was peaked after receiving several badges in conjunction with completing Future Workplace’s excellent AI4HR 5-week online course earlier this year.  I found the opportunity to receive badges for incremental learning and at the end of the course motivational. 

Timelines for IACET Accreditation


IACET summarizes the timelines for accreditation and reaccreditation submissions by providers.  This will help everyone know what to expect when applications are submitted.

Benefits of IACET Accreditation


There are many specific reasons that your organization embarked upon the accreditation journey.  Some of those benefits include:

  • The ability to stand out from among your competition.
  • Your learners need CEUs to maintain licensure or certifications.
  • The value of the assurance of quality granted by passing a rigorous peer review process.
  • The proof that learning opportunities that your organization provides have been benchmarked against industry best practices.
  • And many more…


How to Retain Your Best Employees with Digital Credentials


Data proves that it is significantly less costly to upskill and train your existing workforce, with the goal to retain and fill unoccupied jobs, versus hiring outside of your organization. Hiring new employees is expensive. On average, companies spend between six to nine months of an employee's salary to successfully recruit and onboard a new member.

What if there was an easier way to surface and retain incumbent talent, and maximize your company’s dedication and commitment to its best employees? This article is brought to IACET by Credly. @Credly

Which of My Courses Do I Show IACET for Accreditation?


In both applications for IACET accreditation (initial or renewal) you are asked to submit evidence from actual courses (exemplary courses) to show that you follow the policies and processes submitted.  The reviewers need to see an exemplary course for each type of delivery methodology used by your organizations.? IACET classifies training delivery methodology in three ways... 


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