Harnessing the Power of Pre-existing Knowledge – A Fantastic Voyage


Take a journey with me into the mind of an adult learner. As if we were a microbial sized vehicle reminiscent of the one in 1966 movie Fantastic Voyage.  As we journey through the body and enter the learner’s mind, we see a massive network of interconnected pathways all lit by electrical charges moving back and forth across the network.  From your knowledge of the mind, you know that when these electrical charges are firing from one place to another, something is happening in the person’s mind and it could very well be learning.

Beware of Copycat Accreditations That Lack Integrity


Not long ago, the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) was asked about a certain international organization that was advertising its new continuing education and training accreditation program.  IACET’s staff examined the new organization’s website and found that a large portion of its content was copied verbatim from IACET’s website.

What is a CEU?


In this post, IACET examines important questions about the CEU (Continuing Education Unit). Questions answered in this post include:

  • What is the CEU?
  • What is the purpose of the IACET CEU?
  • How does the CEU compare to college credit?
  • How did IACET become the standard bearer and the caretaker of the CEU?

What is Adaptive Learning?


Adaptive learning is moving into the corporate world. It has the capability to solve many of the problems that have plagued e-learning for the last thirty years—problems that have led many employees and business leaders to have a less-than-rosy view of online training.  Adaptive learning expert Nick Howe, CLO, of Area9 Learning, provides an excellent primer on adaptive learning and some fasicnating data that lies behind this innovative approach to e-learning.


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