
The Latest News From IACET

Read about newly accredited IACET Accredited Providers, IACET Exemplar Award winners, organizations now accepting IACET CEUs and more. From calls for research proposals to new professional development training offerings, we put important notifications, timetables and registration deadlines in one place.Bookmark this page!

    20 Aug 2018

    IACET Address Change and Membership Voting Information

    IACET Address Change and Membership Voting Information

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    13 Aug 2018

    IACET Board Meeting Agenda for September 13-14, 2018

    The following agenda is being publically posted in compliance with IACET Bylaws Article IV, Section A on meeting agenda notice.

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    09 Jul 2018

    IACET Secretary Nominations Open

    The Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations from a pool of individuals that have served on the Board for at least one year during the past five years to fill one Officer vacancy  on the Board of Directors; specifically, the Secretary. The Board of Directors elects the Secretary, and the Secretary-elect will commence his/her term of office in 2018 at the close of the fall Board meeting.  The Secretary will serve a two-year term that expires in September 2020. A Job Description and expectations of the position are available for review here.

    Nominations must be received at the IACET office by 5:00 PM ET on Wednesday, July 25, 2018

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    09 Jul 2018

    IACET Call for Director Nominations 2018 

    The Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations from the membership to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors. The individuals elected as Directors will commence their terms of office in September 2018 at the close of the fall Board meeting.  Each of the Directors will serve a three-year term that expires in September 2021. Nominations must be received at the IACET office by 5:00 PM ET on Wednesday, July 25, 2018. Please email your application to before the deadline.

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    09 Jul 2018

    IACET Treasurer Nominations Open

    The Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations from a pool of individuals that have served on the Board for at least one year during the past five years and on the Finance committee at least one year in the last five years to fill one Officer vacancy on the Board of Directors; specifically, the Treasurer. The Board of Directors elects the Secretary, and the Secretary-elect will commence his/her term of office in 2018 at the close of the fall Board meeting.  The Secretary will serve a two-year term that expires in September 2020.  Nominations must be received at the IACET office by 5:00 PM ET on Wednesday, July 25, 2018

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    03 Jul 2018

    Notification of IACET Board Meeting, September 13-14, 2018

    This notice serves to comply with Article IV, Section A of  IACET's Bylaws.  

    IACET's next Board meeting will be held on September 13-14, 2018 at the Hilton Post Oak Hotel in Houston, Texas.

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    28 Jun 2018

    Apply to Become an IACET Commissioner!

    IACET is actively recruiting a few dedicated professionals who are willing to serve a three-year term as Commissioners on the Accredited Provider Commission. Those with security clearances and/or the ability to read, write and communicate in a second language (Spanish, Arabic, Chinese) are highly encouraged to apply.

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    28 May 2018

    IACET Announces Petroleum and Natural Gas CE/T Symposium

    IACET announces the first Petroleum and Natural Gas (PNG) Continuing Education and Training Symposium to be held on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, at the Hilton Post Oak Hotel in Houston, Texas, USA

    Register NOW as space is limited | View a Tentative Schedule

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    28 May 2018

    IACET Publishes Petroleum and Natural Gas Addendum

    The IACET Petroleum and Natural Gas (PNG) Addendum is an extension of the ANSI/IACET 1-2018 Standard for Continuing Education and Training. The IACET-PNG Addendum is a product of more than a year and half of effort by IACET-PNG Advisory Board and was designed by petroleum and natural gas stakeholders from more than 20 different industry organizations.  The IACET-PNG Addendum contains 34 additional elements to the ANSI/IACET 1-2018 Standard for Continuing Education and Training.

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    25 May 2018

    IACET Privacy Policy Update

    IACET has updated its privacy policy.  Please read these updated terms and take your time to understand these changes. Your use of IACET’s website and portal is subject to these revised policies and terms.  If you have any questions about this update, please feel free to email us at

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