
The Latest News From IACET

Read about newly accredited IACET Accredited Providers, IACET Exemplar Award winners, organizations now accepting IACET CEUs and more. From calls for research proposals to new professional development training offerings, we put important notifications, timetables and registration deadlines in one place.Bookmark this page!

    11 Jul 2017

    The Return-on-investment (ROI) of Accreditation – IACET Providers Speak Out!

    Several IACET providers recently shared how their organizations receive ROI from having IACET accreditation. In day where organizations are expected to do more with less, these providers demonstrate how accreditation can make a big difference in the bottom line. Consider the following testimonials:

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    10 Jul 2017

    IACET Provides New Partnership and Sponsorship Opportunities

    IACET has new partnership and sponsorship opportunities available.  Would you like to access our influential audience?  Find out more.

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    27 Jun 2017

    IACET Prepares Rollout of 2018 Standard – What Providers Need to Know

    IACET is in the process of completing the 2018 Standard for Continuing Education and Training.  The 2018 Standard will be available November 1, 2017 along with the new online application.  If your organization is due to reaccredit later this year, use the following to plan accordingly.

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    27 Jun 2017

    IACET Publishes Distance Learning Resource Guide - Now Available

    With the proliferation of technology used in distance learning, it is important for the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) to clarify how its ANSI/IACET 1-2013 standard apply to instructional design and delivery in distance learning and hybrid environments. Questions naturally arise about how the standard applies to the role of the instructor, assessment, and interactivity; however, depending on the organization’s distance learning approach, the answers to these questions could be very different. The new IACET Distance Learning Resource Guide is designed to provide Continuing Education and Training (CE/T) providers assistance on how the ANSI/IACET 1-2013 Standard for Continuing Education and Training applies to distance learning.

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    23 Jun 2017

    IACET  Announces the Final Exposure Draft of the 1-2018 IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training

    As part of the five-year scheduled update the IACET Council on Standards Development (ICSD) has posted its revised draft of the 1-2018 IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training  The public is welcome to review the Standard and make comments using the form provided in this annoucement.

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    07 Jun 2017

    Deadline for 2017 IACET Award Nominations has been extended!

    The IACET Awards program honors deserving individuals, innovators, projects or programs that have significantly contributed to the field of continuing education and training.  IACET members are invited to submit self-nominations or nominations for other AP programs. The extended deadline for nominations is Monday, June 19, 2017.

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    25 May 2017

    Call for Chairman of the Board Nominations 2017

    The Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations from a pool of individuals that have served on the Board for at least one year during the past 5 years to fill one Officer vacancy on the Board of Directors; specifically, the Chairman of the Board. The Board of Directors elects the Chairman, and the Chairman-elect will commence his/her term of office in 2017 at the close of the fall Board meeting.  The Chairman will serve a two-year term that expires in September 2019.

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    15 May 2017

    Tell Us About Your IACET ROI and Get a Chance to Win a $50 Gift Card

    Completed this brief survey to provide your testimonial about the ROI of IACET accreditation. Keep in mind, you do not have to provide sensitive or confidential information.  Must be an accredited provider to submit. After you submit, IACET will enter you in a drawing for one three $50 gift cards to one of the following (amazon, or iTunes). The deadline to submit is Friday, May 26th at 5 p.m. EDT.


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    24 Apr 2017

    IACET's Partner AAACE Calls for Presentations

    IACET's Partner The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education calls for conference presentation proposals. Deadline is May 15, 2017. 

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    18 Apr 2017

    IACET Announces New Webinar Archive

    Did you miss one of IACET’s many learning opportunities relevant to continuing education and training professionals?  If so, browse IACET new on demand webinar archive for access to numerous recorded events on topics ranging from instructional design issues to quality LMS features and virtual reality. Access the archive now and rate your favorite presentations.

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