When browsing the list of IACET Accredited Providers, you can use the filter feature to narrow the list down to providers that match your criteria.
Using Filters to Search for IACET Accredited Providers
- Navigate to the IACET Accredited Provider List by choosing Accredited Providers List from the Resources menu, or clicking the link.
- There are several options available to assist you in finding providers who meet your criteria in the Filters section of the page.

Instructions for each type of filter are found below.
Note: Filters are "subtractive" in nature, removing results that don't match your criteria. In other words, the more criteria you specify, the list of providers who match will get smaller and smaller until no results are found.
- Review the list of providers, reading their profiles.
- Visit the provider's website to learn about course offerings and fees if the profile sounds of interest.
Note: IACET does not have any information about the specific courses an organization provides.
Filter by Name
If you want to verify that a specific provider is accredited by IACET, the Filter by Name option will be your best choice of filter to use. Simply type any part of the name and press the Enter key on your keyboard to start the search. The filter uses the organization's full name, as well as any abbreviated names or "doing business as" (DBA) names the organization has provided.
Filter by Industry Served
If you are looking to find providers who service your industry, the Filter by Industry Served may be of interest to you.
- You can begin to type in the name of your industry. As you type, possible matches are suggested in a list below the filter field.

- When you see the industry you are interested in, choose it from the list to add it to the filter field.

- You can add multiple industries to the box by repeating step 1.
- To remove an industry, click the red x icon to the right of the industry name.
Filter By Country and U.S. State
You can also filter the list of providers by country and/or U.S. State. Both the country and the state filters use the location of the provider's physical address and is not necessarily indicative of the provider's service area. Many providers, especially those that offer distance education courses, can serve learners outside of their country or state.
- Begin typing a country name or country code. As you type, possible matches are suggested in a list below the filter field.

- When you see the country you are interested in, choose it from the list and then press the Enter key on your keyboard to filter by that country.

- If you chose the United States as your option, then the Filter by U.S. State field will appear to allow you to further filter your criteria by U.S. State.
- Begin by typing a state name or abbreviation. As you type, possible matches are suggested in a list below the filter field.
- When you see the state you are interested in, choose it from the list then press the Enter key on your keyboard to filter by that state.
Filter by Training Format
You can use this filter to find providers that deliver education the way you need, whether it's online, in person, or something in between. Just choose one of the options from the drop-down list.
Filter by Target Audiences
Some education providers only offer instruction to their own employees, while some offer instruction to the general public, and some offer instructions to both audiences.