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There are 4 item(s) tagged with the keyword "CEU".

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4

1. Understanding the Distinct Roles in Education: Government Regulator, Standards Development, and Accrediting Bodies

Chief Standards Officer, Sherard Jones, gives us an in-depth explanation of the various roles in education.

Tags: Regulation, Accreditation, CEU
2. Short Attention Spans and Long-Term Retention: The Evolution of Learning in the Digital Space

Join Steph Jackman as she discusses the evolution of learning methods from traditional in-person education to video-based microlearning. Learn about the advantages of microlearning's personalized, scalable, and engaging approach and how you should approach content strategy in this digital age. 

Tags: Accreditation, CEU, Micro-Credentialing, Microlearning
3. Beyond the Clock: How CEUs Validate the Quality of Professional Education

Discover the true value of CEUs as indicators of quality in continuing education and training and how the process verifies that training programs meet high standards necessary for professional development and continuous improvement.

Tags: Accreditation, CEU, Legitimacy
4. What is a CEU?

In this post, IACET examines important questions about the CEU (Continuing Education Unit). Questions answered in this post include:

  • What is the CEU?
  • What is the purpose of the IACET CEU?
  • How does the CEU compare to college credit?
  • How did IACET become the standard bearer and the caretaker of the CEU?
Tags: CEU, IACET History

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4


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