Search Results

Search Results

Your search for "Sports" returned 8 possible matches.

Displaying: 1 - 8 of 8

1. 2024 Board of Director Candidates
2. Bringing the Competitive Mindset into the Classroom and Office

Jayden Thornhill, IACET Intern, shares how the lessons he learned as an athlete prepared him for both college and the professional world.

3. The March towards Accreditation

William Allen, one of IACET's Development Officers, shares his thoughts on how accreditation and standards relate to the college basketball championship.

Tags: Accreditation, Accreditation Benefit, re-accreditation, Quality, Standards
4. Meet the Commissioner: Pete Knoetgen

The "Meet the Commissioner" series allows for IACET stakeholders to learn about the experts in continuing education and training that administer the process by which organizations are approved as Accredited Providerss.  In this inaugural article of the series, meet Pete Knoetgen, the Chair of the Accreditation Review Committee.

Tags: A Closer Look, Meet the Commissioner
5. Most Unusual Accredited Provider: Canopy Growth Corporation

An indpeth look at the training program provided by North America's largest cannabis company.

Tags: A Closer Look
6. Five Key Considerations to Selecting an Association LMS Company

Rich Finstein gives five considerations training organizations should reflect on when choosing a new Learning Management System (LMS).

Tags: Learning Management Systems, LMS
7. How to Form a Relationship with Your Coach

Coaching is becoming common across many organizations. If coaching works for top athletes, Fortune 500 companies, and other professions, why shouldn’t educators capitalize on the benefits of coaching as well? Find out more about how to form a relationship with your coach in this blog article brought to you by IACET and Teachstone.

Tags: coaching
8. Ten mins with Rich Williams, President, Firmwater LMS.

In this blog article IACET interviews Firmwater LMS CEO Rich Williams to get a behind the scenes look at the philosophy behind providing high quality learning management services.

Tags: LMS, learning management system

Displaying: 1 - 8 of 8


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