Accredited Providers List

Looking for training courses that offer CEUs for licensing and credentialing maintenance requirements?

Use our Find an Accredited Training Provider tool below to connect with IACET Accredited Providers.

Info! IACET accredits training providers and offers courses on accreditation and training development, but we do not provide industry-specific courses that offer CEUs for licensing and credentialing maintenance requirements. While we do not maintain a list of specific courses offered by Accredited Providers, you can use the filters to find a provider that fits your training needs. For details on available courses, please contact the provider directly.


Type any part of the name of a provider and hit enter to filter.
You can search for multiple industries in an "inclusive" manner. This means that searching for "Engineering" and "Insurance" will only show companies who provide education in those two industries.
This is where the provider has a physical address and not necessarily their service area. Choose 'United States' to be able to filter by state.
Use this filter to find providers that deliver education the way you need, whether it's online, in person, or something in between.
Some education providers only offer instruction to thier own employees, while some offer instruction to the general public, and some offer instructions to both audiences.


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