Posted on: November 8, 2015

The IACET Council on Standards Development (ICSD) is seeking candidates to fill open positions for five (5) positions in two (2) interest categories for 2016: 

  • Three in Non-Profit - that is defined as a legally constituted organization whose objective is to support or engage in continuing education and training (CE/T) activities of public or private interest without commercial or monetary profit. Included are, but not limited to, CE/T associations, societies, community groups, and non-government organization.
  • Two in General Interest - maintains an interest in the ANSI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training.


Submit your application now!

The IACET Council on Standards Development (ICSD) is responsible for the development, maintenance and dissemination of evidence-based standards that promote and enhance quality continuing education and training (CE/T). The ICSD has five openings for new members.

IACET Council members are divided equally across categories/affiliations including: General interest, for-profit, non-profit, and government. Three openings are in the General Interest category and two openings in the non-profit category.

Members of the Council should expect to be engaged at least once per month for conference calls (about an hour in length), one onsite meeting annually, and periodic work in proposing and reviewing material regarding on developing the new ANSI/IACET Standard. Being a member of the ICSD is a wonderful opportunity to be a part of an International Standards setting body and is an excellent opportunity to further distinguish yourself as an CE/T professional. Please submit your application by Friday, December 4, 2015. Questions may be emailed to


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