A Hybrid Workforce means Hybrid Training

Virtual Learning Expert®, Jennifer Finan with IACET Accredited Provider Insync Training, LLC, shares 5 recommendations to maximize the hybrid learning experience.
Virtual Learning Expert®, Jennifer Finan with IACET Accredited Provider Insync Training, LLC, shares 5 recommendations to maximize the hybrid learning experience.
A New Year prompts reflection of the past and planning of self-improvement in the future. Nornina Columbaro shares thoughts on how to intetionally commit to incorporating life-long learning into you planning.
Know how AI can help tackle skilling, upskilling, and reskilling challenges, address skill gaps, and prepare the future workforce.
We have learned a lot through the pandemic from how to rely on others to offering much grace to each other in today’s workforce. Yes, it has been a hard transition, but a lot of positives have come out as well.
To adapt to technology disruptions and meet the modern-day learners’ demands, many organizations are looking at modernizing their existing learning material. But modernization is not only about repackaging an ‘old wine in a new bottle’, but it should ideally be looked at as a transformational strategy to deliver business results.