From 73 to 17 - Streamlining IACET Re-accreditation


When seeking accreditation for the first time through IACET, a provider must document they meet the standards by uploading 73 different pieces of evidence.  In 2018, the IACET Council for Standard Development introduced the new and streamlined re-application for accredited providers (APs).  That new re-application process asks for only 17 items in the application.  The reaccreditation process is now streamlined in response to the needs of IACET APs. 

Your IACET Dashboard


As an accredited provider or individual member, you have access to a wealth of information on the IACET website; from recorded webinars to statistics to help your organization see the benefits of accreditation.   The best way to access this information is to log into the website.

Who Has Won The IACET Exemplar Award?


The Exemplar Award honors exemplary, results-oriented programs or projects that demonstrate cost-effective, significant, and relevant impact on the populations served as evidenced by testimony.  See a list of past winners and find out more.


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