Event Details

Introduction to IACET Accreditation Webinar (Historical)

image for Introduction to IACET Accreditation Webinar

via Zoom Webinars

January 8, 2025

1:00–2:00 pm EST (Expired)

This complimentary, one-hour webinar introduces the IACET Accreditation application process. You will learn the steps to applying, details on documented policies and processes, resources available to assist you throughout, and more! Whether you recently purchased the ANSI/IACET 1-2018 Standard & Application or you're just conducting preliminary research, this information will guide you to clarify your next steps. This is a live event, so you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers in real time!

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Identify the steps of the accreditation process.
  • List document requirement types for the application.
  • Identify the location of additional resources available to applicants.
  • Plan for next steps in the accreditation process.

Please note, an earlier recording of this webinar is available here: https://iacet.org/events/archived-webinars/archived-ap-application-webinars/


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