Event Details

Petroleum and Natural Gas CE/T Standards Symposium (Historical)

image for Petroleum and Natural Gas CE/T Standards Symposium

Hilton Post Oak, Houston, Texas USA

September 12, 2018

8:00 am–5:00 pm CST (Expired)

IACET announces the first Petroleum and Natural Gas (PNG) Continuing Education and Training Standards Symposium to be held on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, at the Hilton Post Oak Hotel in Houston, Texas, USA. The IACET Petroleum and Natural Gas Continuing Education and Training Standards (CE/T) Symposium is brought to you by the IACET Petroleum and Natural Gas Advisory Board.   

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The symposium is designed to promote high-quality continuing education and training standards for one of the most important and dangerous industries in the world. Those attending the symposium will:

  • Identify the reasons for maintaining high CE/T standards.
  • Hear from industry leaders about strategies they have used to raise standards and control costs.
  • Learn how to establish a return on investment from the world's leading expert on training ROI.
  • Learn to deploy research-backed learning strategies for engineers and field workers.  
  • Learn how the Petroleum and Natural Gas Addendum to the ANSI/IACET 1-2018 Standard for Continuing Education and Training strengthens quality and addresses other industry requirements.
  • Develop new strategies for raising the bar with existing resources.
  • See exemplary training programs as part of the PNG Exemplar Continuing Education and Training Award.  Nominate your CE/T program/course now.

The Symposium is designed for leaders of all levels within the organization who need a vision, strategies, tactics and new ideas for how to improve quality CE/T within the organization.

Why attend the 2018 Petroleum and Natural Gas (PNG) CE/T Symposium?

Consider the need for higher education, training and competency standards in PNG:

  • Lack of quality training is the #1 cause for non-productive time (NPT) - billions of dollars of loss per year. Service companies must comply with a mandatory requirement for SEMS (30CFR, 250); API Spec Q1, and API Spec Q2, among others.
  • Lack of quality training is the #2 cause for all incident investigations for upstream services.
  • Lack of quality training is the #1 concern as the industry recovers. 2014 to Present - industry has experienced a 300,000 reduction in its workforce.
  • Improving training ranks among the top two opportunities for improving efficiencies and reducing costs.
  • Training is mandated by operators internationally.

Source: IACET Petroleum and Natural Gas Advisory Board

IACET PNG Symposium will help small, medium and large organizations align with high standards that will keep their organizations and people safe and productive. In addition, the symposium planners are working to ensure the day is interactive and engaging.  There will be value to being onsite for this exciting first event.


Start Time End Time   Speaker
8:00 AM 8:30 AM Registration and Continental Networking Breakfast  
8:30 AM 8:50 AM Welcome from IACET Chairman and CEO
Session outcomes: outline the purpose of IACET involvement in the PNG. Introduce the PNG Advisory Board, Outline the work of the PNG Advisory Board.
Peter Finn, IACET Chairman
Joe McClary, IACET CEO
8:50 AM 9:10 AM

Importance of Training Standards in PNG Industry

Description: This session will explore the driving factors behind the need for quality CE/T standards.
Session outcomes: Emphasize the importance of PNG training standards, identify the implications of low standards.

Dr. Alton Payne, Chief of Standards Development
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
9:10 AM 10:15 AM

Industry Panel  -  Keys to Implementing CE/T Standards in PNG

Description: A distinguished panel of PNG experts will each present tips on how their organizations ensure quality in their CE/T programs and will share non-proprietary best practices.  The panel will also take questions from the audience and respond to poll questions answered by the audience.

Specific topics will include: Strategies for promoting the need for training standards to management, methods for ROI calculation, strategies for implementing standards, and the benefits of standardizing training.

Marie Martin, Chevron,
David Villarreal, Parker Drilling, Tye Beard, ASTM, others TBA
10:15 AM 10:30 AM BREAK  
10:30 AM 11:15 AM

PART I - Introduction of the ANSI/IACET 1-2018 Standard for Continuing Education and Training with Petroleum and Natural Gas Addendum .

Description: This session will provide an overview of industry training standards. 
Session Outcomes: Attendees will be introduced to the 2018 1-ANSI/IACET 1-CE/T Standard and PNG Addendum; distinguish how the PNG addendum strengthens the Standard; develop questions on how the PNG addendum can be applied and map IACET and PNG Addendum Standards to other training related industry standards.

Bryan Wollam
11:15 AM 12:00 PM PART II - IACET Standard and Addendum Q and A with IACET PNG Panel
Description: This activity will leverage the collective knowledge of attendees to reinforce learning.  It will also provide a collaborative networking experience where attendees can share their insights and garner new learning from other attendees. Groups will develop questions for the speaker and/or panelists based upon the previous presentation.
PNG Chair, Co-chair, David von Glahn, ASTM, Nuria Castellanos, TechnipFMC and Chris Willoughby, Trinidad Drilling
12:00 PM 1:15 PM

IACET PNG AWARD's LUNCHEON - Presentation of the IACET PNG Exemplar Training Organization Awardee Presentation, Distinguished Service Award - 

1:15 PM 2:15 PM

Learner Preferences for Continuing Engineering Education in PNG

Description: Based on research conducted by the John Zink Institute (JZI), operators and engineers have different learning preferences than the average population. These research-based preferences suggest training materials and presentations should be designed appropriately for the learner. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. This presentation will address the research which was conducted with workers in the oil and gas industry.  It will also present examples from the oil and gas industry of recommended training content designed for operators and engineers. 


  • Introduction
  • Learner Preferences
  • Learner Preference Research for Operators & Engineers in O&G
  • O&G Training Content Examples
  • Recommendations


At the end of this presentation, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the (3) learning strategy preferences and (3) categories of verbal-visual preferences
  • Discuss how operators’ and engineers’ learning strategy and verbal-visual preferences differ from the general population
  • List typical types of multimedia that could be used in training
  • Design presentations specifically for operators and engineers
Dr. Charles Baukal, Ph.D.
2:15 PM 3:15 PM Show Me the Money: Demonstrating the ROI of Training Programs

Description: Training professionals in the PNG industry are constantly being asked to do more with less.  In addition, training is one of the first things to get cut during organizational belt tightening. Dr. Patti Phillips is President of ROI Institute and is one of the globe's most distinguished experts on calculating the return on investment of training programs. She will also provide special insights for ROI calculation in the PNG industry.


  • learn how to calculate the ROI for training interventions,
  • Identify common pitfalls in calculating ROI and how to avoid them,
  • use best practices for isolating program effects and converting measures to money.
Dr. Patti Phillips
3:15 AM 3:30 PM BREAK  
3:30 PM 4:30 PM Group Discussions and speaker Q and A 
Bring your challenges and questions. This activity will leverage the collective knowledge of attendees to reinforce learning.  It will also provide a collaborative networking experience where attendees can share their insights and garner new learning from other attendees. Groups will develop questions for the speaker and/or panelists.
4:30 PM 4:45 PM

Closing Remarks - How to get involved.

The future of CE/T Standards in PNG and global trends in continuing education and training.

Bryan Wollam, Joe McClary
SPECIAL RATE FOR MULTIPLE ATTENDEES FROM THE SAME ORGANIZATION - Does your organization want to send more than one person?  If so, send two at the regular price, and get a third and fourth registration for only $250.00 each. Email info@iacet.org with the name of your organization along with the names and email addresses of those you would like to attend. IACET will email you an invoice that you can pay with check or credit card.



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