Value Proposition of IACET Membership

Value Proposition of IACET Membership and Involvement

Below is a list of benefits for engaging with IACET at different levels.

Application Level Benefits
(This level does not involve formal membership)

Benefit Estimated Value in USD
Applications assistance webinars $45 
Accreditation package (check lists, resources and guidelines) $100
Access to the online application and audit preparation system for one year. $275
Research contribution to to standard maintenance $100
Estimated total value $520
Current IACET price $495


Accreditation Process Benefits

Benefit Estimated Value in USD
Site review (inclusive of all travel expenses) within North America $2,500
Virtual review with two trained expert reviewers $1,500
Conference call with review team regarding application findings $150
Social media promotion $150
Accrediation plaque $75
IACET "We are accredited" brochures and holder $35
IACET accreditation package: pen, IACET post-its, padfolio, logo files usage, logos and sample press release. $35
Estimated total value $4,445
Current IACET price $4,290


Re-accreditation Benefits
Accredited providers must complete a fifth year audit to maintain accreditation.

(Note the re-accreditation process is different from the original accreditation process.)
Estimated Value in USD
Site review (inclusive of all travel expenses) within North America $2,500
Virtual review with two trained expert reviewers $1,400
Conference call with review team regarding application findings $150
Social media promotion $150
Accreditation plaque $75
IACET "We are accredited" brochures and holder $35
IACET accreditation package: pen, IACET post-its, padfolio, logo files usage, logos and sample press release. $35
Estimated total value $4,445
Current IACET price $3,275


Annual Membership Benefits
Membership fees are due annually for accredited providers. Maintaining annual membership is required to keep your accreditation and offer CEUs. These are the benefits that provided for the annual membership fee.

Benefit Estimated Value in USD
Compliance with accreditation policy priceless
Live and recorded learning events for CE/T professionals at half attendance. $540
AP auditing and complaint monitoring $275
Annual CE/T Industry Trends Research Report  $200
CE/T Connection Newsletter  (24 issues containing the latest IACET and aggregated industry news) $200
Regulatory acceptance tracking and research $150
Membership directory listing and live digital accreditation certificates $150
CE/T research funding $125
Distinguished committee and workgroup opportunities $50
Awards program and recognition ceremony $50
AP Member Spotlight Provider of the Day twice annually.  (IACET averages 11,500 sessions per day on  $50
Discounts on workshops. Average savings on one is $55 $55
Estimated total value $1,845
Current IACET price $1,095


Individual Membership Benefits

Benefit Estimated Value in USD
Distinguished committee and workgroup opportunities Priceless
Live and recorded learning events for CE/T professionals at half attendance $540
CE/T Connection Newsletter  (24 issues containing the latest IACET and aggregated industry news) $200
Discounts on IACET publications and events $100
Estimated total value $525
Current IACET price $129


Social Media