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Industries Served


Training Formats Offered

  • Classroom
  • Hybrid/Blended
  • Distance Education
Accredited Provider Overview
Organization Name Ana G. Mendez University
Department Continuing Education
Short Name (DBA) AGM University
Location Orlando, FL US
Primary Phone Number 787-288-1118
Website https://continua.agmu.edu/
Accredited Provider Since 2018
Audiences Served Both (Internal and External Participants)


Ana G. Mendez University (AGMU) is an accredited institution which offers university education of excellence through the on-campus and online modalities using emerging and innovative technologies. It promotes innovation, entrepreneurship, research, as well as the appreciation and respect for diversity. It encourages integral education through an approach in competencies for the benefit of the Hispanic and international communities. Its resources support the post-secondary, undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education academic offerings, framed by the highest standards of quality. AGMU's Continuing Education division provides a wide range of relevant, high-demand educational activities to facilitate the life-long learning and professional development of adult learners.

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