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Industries Served

Biofuel Production College/University Education Engineering Gas Natural Gas Oil Oil and Gas Other Petroleum Engineering Power Plants Utilities

Training Formats Offered

  • Classroom
  • Distance Education
Accredited Provider Overview
Organization Name Koch Engineered Solutions Institute
Short Name (DBA) KESI
Location Tulsa, OK US
Primary Phone Number 918.234.1800
Website http://www.KESInstitute.com
Accredited Provider Since 2008
Audiences Served Both (Internal and External Participants)


KES Institute provides global learning opportunities to advance knowledge in a variety of technical fields empowering individuals to build their capabilities. Our transformative learning pathways will offer diverse methods of building knowledge. These include but are not limited to: Extended Reality, live demonstrations, in-person tours, hands-on manipulatives, distance-learning options, and customized instruction from technical experts.

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