logo for Family Central, Inc.

Industries Served

Adult Education College/University Early Childhood Care and Education Education Nursing Social AND Physical Sciences Social Services Training

Training Formats Offered

  • Classroom
  • Hybrid/Blended
  • Distance Education
Accredited Provider Overview
Organization Name Family Central, Inc.
Department Training Academy
Short Name (DBA) FCI Training Academy
Location Fort Lauderdale, FL US
Primary Phone Number (954) 720-1000
Website http://familycentral.org
Accredited Provider Since 2006
Audiences Served Both (Internal and External Participants)


Family Central Inc. (FCI) is a comprehensive, accredited, and multi-cultural social service agency serving children and families in South Florida. Our Mission: to promote children's success by providing quality family support and educational services. Founded in 1971, FCI, a 501 (c) 3, is a key player in early learning, providing a broad range of services to meet the complex needs of young children and their families. FCI is an important partner in the school readiness system. FCI's Family Support Services provide counseling and training with the objectives to increase the skills and capacity of parents to care for their children, reduce abuse/neglect and improve family functioning.

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