logo for Energy Worldnet, Inc.

Industries Served

Occupational Health and Safety Oil and Gas Propane Safety Training

Training Formats Offered

  • Classroom
  • Hybrid/Blended
  • Distance Education
Accredited Provider Overview
Organization Name Energy Worldnet, Inc.
Short Name (DBA) EWN
Location Decatur, TX US
Primary Phone Number (940) 626-1941
Website http://www.energyworldnet.com
Accredited Provider Since 2011
Audiences Served Both (Internal and External Participants)


In 2024, Energy Worldnet, Inc. celebrated its 30th anniversary of providing training, evaluations, records and compliance management, and consulting services to the energy industry. Headquartered in Decatur, TX, EWN delivers virtual and in-person standards-based compliance trainings that support operator qualification, drug and alcohol, and OSHA. EWN serves thousands of operator and contractor clients throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South America.

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