Posted on 15-Dec-14

Thank you to everyone who turned out for my IACET-hosted webinar on "Advanced Topics in Survey Research." If you missed it, you can catch up here. It was an information-packed talk with discussions on mixed-mode surveys, which is combining different types of surveys such as telephone and online.

Here are just a few topics we covered:

  • Tips and tricks to verify the internal reliability of a survey. One way to do this is to include a very similar question at the beginning and end of a survey.
  • How qualitative responses can be represented quantitatively. We used examples from a scenario of potentially opening a yogurt shop in a mall.
  • Overcoming biases in survey design. We looked at randomizing the order in which certain questions are presented and the order in which the answers are listed.


This was the second webinar in my series on survey research. You can watch the first onehere. I'm already planning the third installment, which will be more advanced.

Thank you to everyone who attended these webinars. If you have a question or would like more information, you can email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Until next time,

Cliff Lipscomb
Director, Economic Research
Greenfield Advisors LLC

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